Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Chapter 8 - Sargentyolo (2024)

Chapter Text

Despite the unlikeliness of such a thing, Treyvi wasn't surprised that they'd ended up in this position.




Said position was of course having found their way into yet another booty-battering natural phenomena of their world.

A golem! And it was in such pristine condition too! Treyvi tried to look on the bright side.

“Y-you know when you girls really th-think about it, this is actually quite a r-rarity!”


Dusca, as always, was less than enthused by her efforts.

“What's a golem doing out in the wilderness!?” Fria asked between husky breaths. Despite her joy at being hoisted clean off the ground by her green, star patterned fullbacks, she recognized that a golem wasn't something one just ran into randomly.

The golem in question was a sturdy, blocky thing. It had no discernable face, but had lanky arms and legs that ended in big, chunky hands and feet. Its body was made up of boulders that had latched together when they'd all stepped within its activation range.

Each of its hands had only three fingers, but that was plenty for each of them to hang from as it trundled through the woods, each quaking step bouncing the five of them harshly. Treyvi and Dusca hung on one hand beside each other, while Fria and the twins hung from the other.

Trees fell in the golem's wake as it continued through the edge of the forest. As Meadowheart had promised, they'd been able to traverse through the fairy's domain freely. It wasn't until they'd cleared the area under the fairies’ control that they'd run into the monster that held them aloft now. It stood just above the trees, its hands held up above its body as it continued to stomp forth. They could even see a huge mountain range from here!

“Owie!” Rip cringed, one leg curled up while the other stuck straight, her plain white briefs stretched high above her head. “Miss Treyvi!? I-isn’t there any way to make it stop!?”

“Nngh!” Treyvi's eyes crossed briefly as the golem stepped down an incline, her red cheekies cleaving deep into her puss*. “None that we have available!”

The five of them all squeaked as the golem staggered briefly, sending each of them bouncing and knocking into one another.

“Ooouggghhh...” Stretch moaned painfully, her knees knocked and hands clenched between her thighs to cup her crotch, black granny panties with little skulls flexing as she bounced slightly. “Why did... It do that...?”

Treyvi groaned. “I'm not sure...”

“Oi! You lot up there!”

A voice from below called up to them. It was a woman, but it was a deeper voice, bassy and rough. Looking down they could see the form of a person below them, though it was difficult to discern from such a height.

“Hello?” Treyvi called back tentatively.

“Yeah, hi, I guess. You know that's a golem you're stuck on, eh?”

They all grumbled. Treyvi waved a hand back at the creature.

“Quite aware, yes. Did you stop it?”

“Aye, that was me! But, eh, you might wanna clench up some more! That thing’s gonna latch soon!”

Dusca flailed her arms and kicked irritably. “Latch!? What do you mean latch!?”

“Oh you'll know when it happens!”


“You will, trust me!”

“How are you sure!?”

“You will, trust me!”

“I don't believe you!”

“You will, trust me!”

“Stop repeating yourseeeEEEEAAAAAIGH!”

Dusca and the rest of them screamed as their already tight hanging wedgies somehow got far, far tighter in a single moment. The golem groaned as it tried taking another step. Above their heads, the golems fingers had curled in tightly, dragging all their panties clean through them in the process.

“See! I told ya!”

None of them replied. Even Fria was crying out in pain from the tightness, their own smallclothes attempting to cut them down the middle.

“Gah! Quit your screaming you lot! It's murder on the ears!”

The person below did... Something. Whatever they did, it made the golem shudder before, with a loud groan of earth shifting and coming apart, it fell to pieces.

They all screamed again, this time in fear, as they plummeted down. Luckily, they didn't die. Unluckily, it's because a tree caught all their panties and left them hanging again, only after having the entire force of their fall go squarely through their underwear into their lower halves.

Treyvi wheezed and hunched inward, her face pale and eye twitching as she hung limply. The crunching of things below notified all of them to their savior, who stared up at them with an observant eye. Treyvi stared back, shocked to find that their savior was... A lot shorter than expected!

A dwarf woman gazed upon them. Like all dwarves, she was short. She likely only stood a head taller than Rip and Stretch, about three and a half feet tall, and even then it was hard to tell from their current hanging height. She had auburn hair tied into rows of braids, capped with gold rings at the end of each. Her eyes were a deep blue to contrast, her nose short and cute with a gold ring in her septum and freckles across her rosy cheeks and trailing down her arms.

Her shoulders were broad, a set of leather pads covering them. Her strong, wide arms were long compared to her legs, hanging down by her knees. Her legs, in contrast, were only about a third of her overall height, but no less toned.

Her D-cup breasts were covered by what was essentially a steel bikini top with a fur lining. Her core was tight and toned, a clear definition of the muscles of her abs free for all to see. Her hips were wide and her rump was meaty and round. She wore a scale mail half skirt— also fur lined— that covered her right leg, leaving the other uncovered, a pair of tight shorts that crept down to mid thigh just visible. Her lower left thigh had an intricate tattoo of crisscrossing weaves into four diamond shapes, a dwarven design by all means.

Her boots were a dark metal and clanked as she tapped her foot. Her leather gloves went half way up her forearms, her fingers idly strumming along her crossed arms. On her back was a round, hefty looking shield and short war hammer with a glowing rune on the flat of the head.

“Oh...” She looked at them with a bemused face. “Didn't realize I was helping a bunch of leaf-lovers...”

Treyvi huffed. “Excuse me? I hadn't realized that helping others was conditional!”

The dwarf girl snorted. “It is when the people you're helping are a buncha hoity-toity elves!”

Dusca snarled. “You pint-sized rock-for-brains! I bet that was your golem!”

The dwarf scoffed and marched up closer to the tree they hung from. “Who you calling rock-for-brains!? Need I remind you who saved your sorry ass from said golem!?”

Treyvi sighed. And just like that, Dusca had pissed off their current only hope for getting down from here. She looked over to the other three. Rip and Stretch looked like they had the life wedgies out of them, hanging limply with their tongues lolling out and their limbs swaying as they gently turned with the breeze. Fria was drooling, eyes unfocused with a dopey smile and a massive wet patch around her crotch. Of course she'd somehow still gotten off to this!

“Last time I help some knife-eared tree hugger!”

“We don't need your help you mud loving gravel gut!”

“Bark licker!”

“Dirt huffer!”

Dr’raing khangri!

Liel gallpariea!

The dwarf growled and stomped right under Dusca, a savage grin crossing her lips.

“You know what!?” Her knees bent as she looked up at Dusca's red-hot glare. “I changed my mind! Let me help you down!”

Before Dusca could figure out what she meant, the dwarf jumped up and grabbed Dusca's ankles. Her thick, short legs kicked slightly as she hung.

Dusca screamed as all the dwarf's weight— and clearly she had a lot between all the metal and her generous helping of ass— pulled her down harshly. Her panties, a stretchy, cotton, purple thong, cut into her all over again and she could do nothing to stop it. The dwarf started bouncing, sending more and more ferocious jolts through Dusca's lower half.

“Haha! How do you like that, you snobby bitch!?”

The constant strain proved too much, the repeated bounces and weight shredding the thong to pieces. Dusca screeched as the remains slid directly through her nethers and she stumbled down.

The dwarf girl clearly wasn't expecting the fall either, as she yelped and got caught under Dusca. The elf's ass landed on the shorter girls face and she let out a muffled shout and tried to push her off.

Dusca hissed and locked her legs on either side of the dwarf's head. She landed facing the girls legs and decided that the fates were on her side now! Leaning forward— and making sure to grind her ass against the dwarf's face as much as she could through her pants— she tossed the half skirt to the side to reveal the dwarf's own panties, a pair of gray boyshorts with a thick black waistband.

Dusca gripped the pair as tight as she could from the front and snarled.

“Your turn you stubby ass-sniffer!”

She hauled backwards, leaning all her weight on the dwarf's face and cleaving the girl's puss* with her panties. Her lips quickly became exposed to the world through her shorts as she sported a massive cameltoe, flailing under the elf as she writhed in pain.

Dusca was relentless, leaning forward only to throw herself back over and over again. The dwarf girl's struggles started to go from angry and frantic, to desperate and agonized.


Dusca didn't even bother asking what she said. The elf didn't care! Instead she gave the underwear the most slack she could before she gave her biggest, hardest, most coochie-destroying pull yet!

The panties gave way easily, ripping and tearing before they were pulled completely off. Dusca stumbled off the dwarf's face and the girl gasped for air and from pain as she cupped her crotch and rolled on the ground.

“OW OW OW OW! YOU whor*!”

Dusca finally took the time to rub her own ass and vagin*, hissing in pain as even the slightest touch stung.

“YOU LITTLE sh*t!”

The two kept shouting expletives at one another until Treyvi had enough and shouted over them.


They both startled from their shouting match and looked at the nerdy elf. Whether it was because they realized the four of them were still hanging or because they actually felt chastened, they quickly helped the rest of them down— thankfully far less aggressively than Dusca had been removed.

When they were all on their own two feet again and had taken several minutes to all stuff their now massively stretched panties back into their pants and skirts— unsuccessfully, based on the beaver tails they all were sporting now— Treyvi dusted herself off and eyed their dwarven savior.

“So Miss...”

“... Naja. None of that ‘Miss’ stuff either!”

“... Right. So, Naja, thank you for helping us with the golem.”

Naja huffed and glared at her. “Keep your honeyed words to yourself, elf! You're all alive and I'm down a pair of underoos thanks to your bitch with the smelly ass!”

Dusca ground her teeth. “Says the midget with the fat lips!”

Treyvi really needed to tell Orm off next time she saw him for teaching Dusca such things.

“Oh stuff it up your tight little ass! It can go right next to the pole and whatever crawled up there and died!”

Dusca once again had enough and decided a different course of action was needed. Rearing her leg back, she swung it forward with all her might and—


Right between the dwarf's thighs. Due to her superior height and the sheer force she'd put into the punt, the dwarf girl was lifted clean into the air, arms ramrod straight at her sides, face green, and eyes crossed as Dusca's foot smashed into her cooter.

She let out a gurgle before she slid off of the elf's foot and landed with her ass pointed in the air. Her hands gripped at her poor puss* tightly, a weak croak leaving her throat as she lay there.

“Hmph!” Dusca glared down her nose at Naja’s ass, bared to the world as she was.

Treyvi rubbed her temples. Their first meeting with a dwarf was going about as well as she was expecting. She sent Dusca a very unimpressed look and pointed off to the side. Dusca turned her lip up at the gesture but moved to stand away from the dwarf.

Treyvi shook her head and bent down, helping Naja to her feet. She cleared her throat as she helped the girl up by her arm.

Ghrakstahl. Dusca raaki duth’runmi.

Dwarvish for: Sorry about that. Dusca is bad with new people.

Naja startled at the words, her head flicking up to look at Treyvi with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. She made to speak a few times but no words came out, partly because she was still reeling from the vicious c*nt punt moments prior.

“An elf... That speaks dwarvish!?”

Treyvi smiled warmly. “I have studied all manner of magic and cultures for nearly nine hundred years. Dwarvish wasn't as hard to learn as the common language was.”

Naja huffed. “Preaching to Zothbrayer there...”

Treyvi helped the dwarf the rest of the way up, Naja giving her the slightest nod when she was finally back on her feet. She glared daggers at Dusca, who gazed back with just as much heat. Treyvi stepped between them before they started fighting again.

“We were actually on our way to Bol-Chok,” Treyvi placed her hands before her and bowed. “If you happen to know the way, we would be very grateful!”

Naja looked like she'd sucked on a lemon. “A couple’a elves and goblins wanna visit the Keep?” Treyvi nodded and Naja scoffed. “You tryin’ to get yourselves tossed around?”

Stretch grumbled quietly to her sister. “Not like we ain't already...”

Treyvi ignored them and continued her plea to the dwarf.

“Please, Naja, I assure you I simply wish to learn of the city. I have no trouble in mind. And our goblin companions are quite well behaved, thank you very much!”

Naja grunted. “Sure maybe you don't have a bug up your ass about dwarves— can't say anyone who bothers to learn the damn language is anything but patient— but your surly bitch of a friend there?”

She pointed past Treyvi at Dusca, who stuck her tongue out. Treyvi gave her a flat, unamused glare.

“Yeah. She's gonna get your whole crew kicked out of the Keep.”

Treyvi sighed and held her hands up. “I'll keep her on her best behavior. I promise.”

The dwarf eyed Treyvi skeptically. “I ain't know you like that, elf. Not to mention I don't feel too inclined to do much for you after the hell that c*nt put my c*nt through!”

Treyvi winced at the language. Dwarven brazenness for you, right there.

Treyvi held a hand to her chest and bowed again. “Pardon my rudeness. I am one called Treyvi. You allow me the pleasantness of using your name, allow me to extend the same to you. We could pay you if that suits your tastes.”

Naja's ears seemed to wiggle at the mention of money. Treyvi contained the triumphant smirk. Bingo!

“And how much we talking?”

Treyvi nudged Fria. The noble hummed. Treyvi wasn't exactly adept at handling monetary and financial decisions but Fria excelled at it! The global currency, known ironically as ‘Curren’ was a concept that Fria was trained in from a young age in her noble upbringing.

Fria pursed her lips as her eyes, for once unbidden by the lust to rove over the woman in front of her, remained steady.

“How's two thousand Curren sound?”

Naja balked. “Two thousand!? Just to guide you weirdos!?”

Fria nodded. Naja huffed and looked away, hiding her eagerness.

“... I don't even know all your names yet.”

Fria’s moment of seriousness melted away as she chimed in with a wave and a big smile. “I'm Fria! And as for your worries, I promise Dusca is a good person! She's just cranky all the time!”

Dusca sneered and snapped her fingers. A vine shot up and hoisted Fria off the ground, her panties already stretched far beyond their original size. The girl moaned and crossed her legs, eyes twitching and arms stuck straight down. Just like that, the respect for the noble girl group-wide plummeted again.

Rip hopped up and down while Stretch thumped her chest.

“I'm Rip! I like hitting stuff!”

“And I'm Stretch! I like hitting stuff after it's already been hit!”

Naja stared at Treyvi, eyebrow raised.

“Okay elf— Treyvi, I guess. What's the deal? You guys a circus or something? Did they kidnap you? You seem to have your head screwed on right, so what's wrong with the rest of this lot?”

Treyvi sighed. “Were it only so simple...”

Naja seemed to see the haunted, defeated look in Treyvi's eyes and, whether it was from pity or selflessness— or more likely the jingle of coins— she sighed and rubbed her neck.

“BAH!” Naja turned and started walking, waving her arm for them to follow. “I'll take you to the entrance but don't follow me in! Don't wanna be known as the one that let this freak-show into the Keep... And I want that pay before we part!”

Treyvi agreed before Dusca could do something even worse to piss off their new guide. She once again had to appreciate Fria's deep pockets. It had made their journey an lax one on that front at least.


Naja had led them back to the road they'd been on before the golem had yanked them away from it, sparing a begrudging moment for Dusca to put new panties on. From there she guided them seamlessly through the winding path. Trees became more and more sparse, until they seemed more rare than the rocks laying on the ground.

Which only meant one thing.

As they walked under a massive natural archway of rocks and boulders, they were greeted with the foothills of the same mountain range they could see from within the woods.

The mountain climbed into the sky as of reaching for the heavens. Similar in height to the Tower of Oncaudiles, the top wasn't visible from below the clouds and looking up to try strained the neck. All around the face of the mountain were several large openings, columns supporting the ornate masonry that signified the dwarven Keep, uncaring that tumbling out of one would mean a deathly roll down.

Naja took in their reactions, amused. “First time seeing Grauntilja?”

Grauntilja was dwarvish for “grand ancestor”. In the common tongue and on maps, it was referred to as The Grand Mountain, one of many mountains that were part of the Oslonia Mountain Range.

Naja gestured ahead. On ground level was a massive set of stone doors. They were open, lines of people filing in and out; merchant caravans chief among them.

“Bol-Chok,” Treyvi stared in amazement at the sight of the mountain-turned-city, “The Dwarven Keep. It's beautiful!”

Fria took her glasses off to clean the dust off them. “It's also the biggest trading hub in the world. They say if you can't find something elsewhere else, you can find it in Bol-Chok.”

Treyvi hummed in fascination. Leave it to dwarves and their love and pragmatism of material objects to turn their city into a huge trading network.

Naja grunted. “Alright. That's my end of the bargain fulfilled!”

Fria tossed her a sack and the dwarf caught it, weighing it and shaking it to hear the jingle inside. She smiled after she did this for some time.

“Well I'll be f*cked in me brown-eye! Two thousand, just like that!”

Treyvi had a feeling that Naja and Captain Basquille would get along should they ever meet.

Naja spun on her heel and started her own trek back inside the Keep. She threw a lazy wave over her shoulder.

“See ya around, circus freaks! Don't go looking for me inside!”

Dusca picked up a rock and raised her arm back but Treyvi slapped it out of her hand before she could throw it. Dusca simply growled and crossed her arms.

Joining the throngs of people making their way into the Keep, the five of them drew stares from everyone around them. Two elves was already an incredibly unlikely sight on its own, but two elves going into the dwarven capital? Unheard of! Not to mention the two goblins walking by their sides!

When they approached the guard checkpoint, the dwarves manning the station stared at them slack jawed. Clad in dense armor, they just eyed their group before one of them snapped out of it and looked at Treyvi, who stood at the front.

“Erm...” He looked up at her. She smiled cordially and nodded back.

Virtuoso draing cwsg-y lurkh?

We would like to enter, may we?

He did a double take as his partner guard dropped their weapon in astonishment. Looks like that party trick worked on every dwarf! The dwarf looked at her like she was some kind of mythical creature.

“Oh...” He cleared his throat and adjusted his beard. “Right, of course. Are these two,” he gestured to Rip and Stretch, “House trained?”

Stretch scratched her head. “We never had to train in a house before...”

Treyvi sighed and nodded. “They're friends. Promise!”

He didn't look too concerned given that the massive poleaxe he held looked capable of cutting through an entire camp of goblins in a single swing. He waved them through and leaned up to speak as Treyvi passed.

Kurskille dwt hrag-bjrinjolm?

Treyvi laughed and waved her hand politely. Fria gave her a tilt of the head and Treyvi whispered to her.

“He said his son was single if I was interested.”

Fria chuckled alongside her as they entered the cavernous City in the Mountain.

Bol-Chok, dwarvish for “Big Hole”, was a spectacle. Every single structure was carved of stone from the mountain itself, half the buildings still embedded into the walls they'd been chiseled from! Massive glittering crystals hung from the high ceilings and stone bridges connecting the upper areas of the city, illuminating the cave. The streets themselves were paved smooth, bustling with people of all species and races.

Dwarves had also advanced quite far, apparently! Strange mechanisms could be seen in use all around the city. Pristine pipes neatly wound their way to and fro and gears and pumps chugged along to the sound of valves releasing steam. It was unlike anything Treyvi had ever seen before!

Along the far end of the cavern were absolutely gargantuan statues carved by the ancient dwarves of the city. Between them was a hall that led to the depths of the mountain, where the dwarven mines lay. It was said that the ones found in the mines were the purest quality in the world!

To most, it was an incredible display of dwarven ingenuity and hard work.

To others...

“Dusca, stop glaring!” Treyvi admonished, smacking her fellow elf’s arm.

“Rrrrrgh...” Dusca growled as she looked around. This place was disgusting! Somehow there was even less life around here than in the other city they'd visited! So much stone and metal couldn't possibly sustain all these people!

The first note of business would be finding a place to stay for the night. Luckily, Bol-Chok had such a bustling level of commerce, they hardly had to look! If there was something you were looking for you could find four within a short walk from one another! It was truly interesting!

At least most of them thought so. Dusca was sour the whole time, arms crossed and back straight as she looked over everything. And just as Naja predicted...

“Sorry. Don't like the look of yer friend there!”

“Youer what? Lookin’ for a place to stay, like? Look harder then! I doen’t like the looken on tha one's face!”

“Wozzat? Maybe if the pissy lookin' one looked like she'd ever smiled a day in her life, I'd letcha in!”

It'd been a good few places now and their luck hadn't changed. Even the non dwarf owned establishments turned them away in fear of upsetting the general populace of the city. It didn't help that Dusca got more and more furious with each rejection.

“Dusca...” Fria tapped her shoulder and flinched at the thunderous look she was given. “Eheh... Could you maybe try to calm down a little?”

Dusca snarled. “I will not! This place is torture!”

Rip scratched her head. “It don't seem like any torture we've ever done...”

Stretch poked her sister's arm and whispered loudly. “I think she meants it like all fancy! Like how Miss Treyvi says stuff!”

Dusca's stomps fell harder. Treyvi grabbed her and pulled her to the side, away from the crowds of onlookers that had started saying away from her.

“Okay, listen, Dusca.”

Dusca winced, momentarily knocked out of her anger. Treyvi only really spoke in elvish when she meant business.

I know this place is crowded with mortals and devoid of nature and trees and magic but you're starting to piss me off!

Dusca whined and stomped a foot. “But Treyvi—!”

Don't you dare ‘but Treyvi’ me! We have to loosen you up enough that someplace will let us in for the night and you're going to let it happen. Otherwise you can go back out there and sleep in a tree while he rest of us stay here and have a good time!

Dusca groaned and huffed and scrunched her face up. Treyvi didn't move an inch. Grumbling Dusca let out a huffed ‘fine’ and Treyvi finally nodded.

“Good. And I have just the place in mind. Unfortunately...”

Said place turned out to be the fourth most common thing in Bol-Chok behind dwarves, rocks, and forges— and yes— in that order.

A bar.

Dusca's eyes, for the first time since they'd entered, lit up with a pure sense of joy rivaled only by a newborn experiencing a rainbow for the first time in their life.

“Bar!” She cheered, pointing at the people within, drinking merrily. “Drinks!” She jumped up and down, beaming brightly. “Beer!”

Treyvi sighed forlornly. Fria murmured to her.

“Are you sure this is the only way to make her ease up? Didn't you say she was a really improper drunk?”

Treyvi nodded. “Yes but she's also a really happy drunk. This'll keep her in a good enough mood until we can find lodgings.”

Treyvi then turned to Rip and Stretch who eyed the bar excitedly as well.

“You guys just have places that give out booze!?”

“We normally had to steal it from caravans coming from this place—!”

Treyvi smacked a hand over Stretch's mouth and lifted her up into her chest, her back pressed into her as she kept her hand over the gobbo’s mouth.

“Ahem!” She sent them both a stern look and they both shut their mouths. She nodded and they all entered before anyone said anything that could make them fugitives.

The bar was full; unsurprising given the city they were in. Vices were to be embraced in the Keep and nobody had any qualms about partsking liberally. Luckily, they found a table. It didn't take long to get the drinks flowing and when they did...


Dusca raised her tankard high, booze sloshing around wildly as she swung her arm around. Below her, Rip and Stretch cheered along with her, their own mugs held aloft as well as the three of them drank as one

Treyvi sighed and downed her own. Fria nursed her own glass slowly, admitting that she wasn't particularly fond of alcohol.

They were right rounds down when other patrons started places bets, and it was another six rounds after that when half the bar was cheering right alongside Dusca and the twins as Treyvi downed yet another ale without batting an eye.

She grumbled. All this drink and she couldn't even get drunk! She was doing it out of courtesy at this point! At least it was winning her brownie points with the citizenry.

“That elf drinks like a dwarf!”

“Like the second coming of Corbar, that one!”

“I think she could out drink Gimgrok!”

Treyvi needed a break from her inebriated companions and to relieve herself of all the fluid in her body. When she returned Dusca eyed her with a wide, wobbly smirk. Treyvi had a feeling she would learn why very shortly.

And that she did when Dusca, as per her drunken nature, decided that Treyvi hadn't been humiliated enough lately and pantsed her. She sighed as the rest of the bar hooted and hollered. Treyvi, like most elves, didn't really care about exposure even if she was more modest than most of her species. That didn't mean this wasn't embarrassing for other reasons.

Chief among them, her panties were still stretched to hell and back, a point that was very obvious now that they were on full display for everyone. With a slight blush Treyvi bent down to pull her skort back up.

How could she be so naive?

Dusca whooped and before Treyvi could react she was standing behind her and hauling her panties right back up her ass. Teeyvi yelped, stuck bent over as she was while Dusca yanked the pair up as high as she could.


Dusca only laughed drunkenly and gave her more alcohol fuelled pulls. The twins both chortled and pointed, falling against each other as they laughed. Fria watched on lewdly, one hand hidden conspicuously under the table as she blushed and watched intently.

Treyvi yelped as a jerk to her waistband brought her back to reality. She was going to turn around to scold her fellow elf...

But a waistband snapping under her chin prevented her from pursuing that.

The bar around her cheered more and she groaned into her panty mask. Dusca gave her ass a snack and turned back to her drink, downing the rest and demanding another.

Treyvi pried the underwear from her face and chugged her own drink. Maybe she'd get lucky and get drunk too so she could forget about that embarrassment!

No such luck. Too many drinks later Treyvi decided they'd been there long enough. Fria settled their tab and they left to renew their search for an inn. This time, however, they had the opposite problem.

“That's the elf they said drank the whole pub under the table! Miss! Please, stay with us at our inn!”

“You're the one who pounded back Frenki’s strongest stuff without even a flush!? You've gotta stay a night here!”

“I've never heard of an elf that could drink without gagging! And now I've got two of ‘em right in front of me! We've got beds for ya if you're lookin’!”

At least they knew her better for her undeserved drinking prowess and not the impromptu atomic wedgie Dusca had given her!

This all left them with the difficult decision of where to stay for a second time. They had to figure it out fast too. Mostly because—



Dusca laughed as she hoisted the goblins off the ground, a waistband in each hand. Despite their pained groans, the twins both laughed alongside their current bully, all three of them drunkenly swaying in place. Dusca bounced the gobbos and they both let out more yelps and yips, their eyes and legs crossing. Treyvi couldn't tell if the blushes on their faces were from the alcohol or embarrassment.

Shaking her head, she ran through the list of inns that had offered them a place so far. Word apparently spread fast in Bol-Chok, unsurprising if the city was built around trade.

“Um, Treyvi?” Fria tapped her arm and she jolted out of her thoughts. Fria was pointing at something and when Treyvi turned to see what, she nearly screamed.


Dusca had apparently decided that she wasn't satisfied with standing around anymore and was stumbling away, Rip and Stretch still dangling from her hands. Dusca turned and stuck her tongue out at Treyvi before shuffling faster.

“Gah!” Treyvi took off after them, Fria right behind her. They chased the drunk trio through the streets, the sloshed elf oddly nimble despite practically tripping her way away from them.

“Dusca!” Fria called, apologizing as she pushed past people, her tall stature making her a bit of a hazard in the predominantly shorter populace of the city. “Come back! You might get hurt!”

“Lookit us Miss Treyvi!” Rip called back, swinging wildly by her underwear as she waved back at them. “We're going so fast!”

Treyvi huffed as she pursued them. “I know! Please... Slow down!”

She wasn't built for running! She was built for reading! Cardio wasn't her forte!

Fria was at least keeping up well enough, likely due to having longer legs. She managed to get ahead of Treyvi and closer to Dusca, arm outstretched to grab her.

“Dusca!” Fria called as the elf stayed just out of reach. “Don't make me do this!”

Dusca laughed and kept going. “Do what!?”

Fria stopped and pressed her finger tips together, clenching her face. She bit her lip as she focused as best she could. Her eyes remained just about open to keep track of where Dusca was. She flushed and tried not to focus on the way the elf's perfect, round ass swayed back and forth. She had to focus!

With a little shout she flung her hands forward, a trail of light shooting out and swirling towards the elf just as she was about to pass a steam release pipe.

What was supposed to happen was a binding spell that would shackle itself around Dusca's feet. What happened instead was...


Dusca did indeed grind to a halt. The binding spell did indeed stop Dusca in her tracks, it just didn't bind itself to her feet.

Instead, one shackle bound itself to her waistband, the other latched to the pipe Dusca was next to.

And since Dusca had been running with reckless abandon at quite a fast speed, she ended up ramming her own panties, a cream thong with white lace, right into her ass.

Dusca groaned and stood frozen, knees twitching as her already thin underwear became a razor wire slicing through her ass and lips. She wheezed and dropped the twins to grab her crotch.

Rip and Stretch both landed unceremoniously, groaning themselves as they held their booties.

Treyvi caught up with Fria and stared at her work. She was about to say she proud of Fria for getting her magic to work but then she shook her head.

“Of course you caught her by her panties...”

Fria flushed, for once not just in horniness. “I-I meant to get her feet! Honest! I just... Got distracted looking at something else...”

Treyvi flicked the taller girl on the cheek. Fria whined and pouted but hung her head in shame. Treyvi gestured to Dusca, who was still frozen in pain, her thong stretched taut.

“Okay, well, undo the spell so we can take her to an inn.”

Fria nodded and held her hands out. They waited for the shackles to disappear. They waited a little longer. And they kept waiting.


“H-hold on!”

Fria grunted as she seemed to try pushing magic out to stop the spell. Nothing continued to happen.

“Oh for the love of—”

“It's not as easy as it looks, okay!?”

Treyvi wouldn't assume it, especially since she couldn't use magic. That being said, they still had to get Dusca disconnected and it didn't look like there was an easy way to do so.

That didn't mean there was no way, though.

Treyvi walked in front of Dusca and grabbed her shoulders.

“Hey Dusca?”

Dusca let out a squeak in response.

“I'm gonna pull you free now.”

Dusca squeaked even higher in pitch, eyes widening.

“I could just cut them... But you did pants me at the bar and embarrass me in front of a crowd.”

Dusca whimpered.

“So let's get to it! We still need a place to sleep!”

Without even the consolation of a countdown, Treyvi pulled Dusca forward.


Dusca screamed as treyvi hauled her further from the pipe her panties were magically chained to. The fabric grew somehow even thinner and more tight, cutting her in half as Treyvi continued to pull her away.

“We're almost... There!”

Treyvi had to admit, it was getting hard to pull any more. Dusca's thong was putting up a lot of resistance! Treyvi lowered her hands to grab Dusca by the hips instead and pulled harder.

Dusca heard the pops and tears behind her. Treyvi gave one final big pull back and she felt the thing slide all the way through her from front to back before the relief came; albeit with a harsh sting.

Dusca collapsed into Treyvi's arms and the other elf struggled to keep her up.

“Fria... Help!?”

Fria rushed over to help her keep Dusca up. The drunk elf's face was pale and her eyes were wide.


Treyvi sighed and made sure Fria had a good hold of Dusca before she let her go and went to pick up the gobbos. Rip and Stretch both mumbled as she lifted them under her arms.

“Okay,” Treyvi huffed, “Let's go find a place to stay.”

They ended up finding an inn that welcomed them with open arms, once again elated that the ‘bibulous elf duo’, as they'd come to be known as, wanted to stay with them. They got two rooms with two beds each. Treyvi and Fria dumped the unconscious drunk trio in one and took the other for themselves.

“Do you think they'll be okay?”

Treyvi grunted. “With any luck they'll stay dead to the world for a whole day.”

They both tucked into bed, bidding one another a goodnight as the cool mountain air of Bol-Chok settled over them.

And so the first night in Dwarven Keep came as they drifted off peacefully. In the other room, Dusca and the twins groaned and held their crotches, the pain of constant wedgies all day making their sleep a restless one.

Despite not being able to see this, Treyvi couldn't help but think it was well deserved.

Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Chapter 8 - Sargentyolo (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.