The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

EV'ieyEyEisriNGSviLMnGTOx. mgivha y. ski tioihkk inon. THE COUNTY FAIR. SECOND EDITION THIRD EBITIOH STisiiwirai The FogitiYe President or a Chicago Bank Has Been Captured in Tangier.

MATLACK GOT REGISTERED. Va Under the lmortion That Hit CMI-aenshlp Hftd Been Rttord by a Pardon. Tho uame ot Albert F. Matlick, who wns ctmviclel and ftentencul in connection with tte Hbellpot district primary eleotion frauds of 19J4 fipprnrs Upon the retfiitrntlon lists of the Third election eiiatriot of he Hitth lief rrtsentati vn 6 1 trier, Brandywine hundred. He was registered during Auijiwt registrntion.

Disfranchisem*nt is part of ihf pen-nlty imposed by law for offend maa ouch nn Mntlack wa convicted of. He wria under the impression, however, that he huJ been pardoned, nnd ptrdon would ive restored his eiti-zenhip, no believe! that he wn entitleil to registration. He sought legal advice and was nsftured that ne ROSE HILL. Ppecial Correr'Otaenfe ot Every Evening. Rose Hill, Sept.

3. Tho fall term of the liose Hill Sunday-school wrs started yenterday afternoon, with a large attendance, 'i'ho school is non-denominational nnd jiersons for miles around nttend the nessioai. Kov. Ard.i Howksr of Pennsylvania attended tne school and delivered nn interesting talk. John Kingsland, who recently moved to the Sutton property, owned ly Alwina Sutton, lod'a vnluabln hunting dnt on Friday night.

It was killed by trolley car. Tbo owner lvi1 made reparation tor gunning on the mnrsbes on Saturday morning and had invited several Iriends. but the pleasure was taken out of the trip by the killing of the dog. A valuable setter dog, owned by William II. Collison, strayed awny on Saturday and not since been located.

The Rose Hill A. A. hnoeb-iH team was potogrnphei in its new uniforms, while on tan Simon's lawn, rn t-ntnr-day afternoon, previous to the opening of the game with Brylgon. W.H.SmHh&Co. Suctmaaarm tm Wm.

Sharp fourth and Market Sts teelpif Many Entries for tha Exhibition of Hort Which Will be a Future. The following entriea have been received by the committee which i arranging tor the county fair, for thehor ahow, a prominent feature, which ojvr.a tomorrow Class 1 Theman Hartan, ITkton. brown Mallion, over 4 years; John Fl. Lester, St. Occtgrn, hi own Mnllion, over 4 years; Leon RrinMine, Wilmington, mare, over 4 years; Henry V.

iWk'on, Pt. Georges, mare, over 2 veats and under 3 viiu, "l'ldgM at 11 o'clock. Class 2 H. T. Wallace, Wilmington, buy gelding, over 4 yrats; Henry Palmer, Avondsle nine, over I years, Warren Cox, Kennel Square, gelding, over 4 years; A.

C. Mearns. Kimblville, bay gelding, over 4 Benjamin ThVmas, New Castle, mire and colt, over 4 years; E. R. F.wing.

Wilmington, bav mare, over 5 yeais. alo g-ld-irg; Woodward', Kbmere, mare, over 3 years; George Fredd. Avondal. mire, over 3 j-rars; A. C.

Mearnv Kimble-ilh, mare over 3 years; Harry V. Bucksor. M. G. orgrs, mare, over 3 yesis; F.

Bbr-kburn. Wilming. on. eoh. over 2 y.

rs; Kir.mttt Simon, New Caaib, gelding, over 2 vears; llcrbeit S. Fast bum, Newark, gelding and mare, over 2 vcais; J. W. Humphries. Chattel's Ford, colt, over 2 yeais; W.

H. F.ueas, llockland. colt, over 2 years; William Shaw, Wilmington, stallion, over 2 vcats; Jam. J. Armstrong.

Marshallton, filly, under 2 years; W. II. Dixon. Ashland, colt, under 2 years; Thomas Dorman, Kdge Moor, fi'lv, under 2 vears; Thomas Tailey. Talleyvtlle, lolt, under 2 yrats; Kdmimd PivTson.

Hockessiii, tilly. under 2 yea is; Gtorg" Chandler, Centreville, filly, under 2 vears; W. J. Armstrong. Ma'ishallton.

coV. tii.drT 2 years; d. M. I "as; burn, mart- clt. n.ulrr 2 years; A.

C. Kimhl vii: tilly, under 2 years George C. Burris. New Cast It, mar1, over 4 jurig-d turn 11.15 until 12 in. Class 3 N-wten Grubb.

Grubb's, diatt team, oer vears old; jiulged at 12.15 p. m. Cliiss 4 General purjvse stallion, over 4 years, James J. Armstrorg. Marshall-ten; F.

I. Martin. Wilmington; Frank IV Wflker, Newark; leorge Burris. New William Funis. Wil-linni .1.

Armsiiong. A. Mcjrns. Kimble'ville; H. C.

Dolson. George K. Ball. M.irshallton; ClaiYrtee T. Newark; judged 1 12.30 to i j.45 n.

m. W. J. Dai i.l.-, New Castle; judged p. m.

6 General purpose mare and colt Dr. Jonn Thomas Dorman. Edg Me or; G.Mrc? K. Ba'l. Matsliallton: "Ftlmund Ft: r- -n.

llnekes-sia:"s Lee. Wilmincten; (letrg' C. Burris, New Castle: Herl en S. lia. t-b'lrn.

Newark: Fdward Woiviwnrtl. Fismere; William J. Mar- shallion. 2: i'mier Fell New-ark Jam's P. Wi'ielirr- ir C.

M-irns, Kimbl-A-ill Beck land; Wilmii-gion; A. W. "gginon. New F.

Jons. New A 11. Wil- Cliss 7 Pair of light drivers Einc. Wifmir'on; G. Wilmington; George C.

Burris V. J. Daniels. Ntw a st A. H.

Iv le latum, wi nurs'en. Single light driver James i Arm-Co. -k. f'-T Wi rg. a I It vrg.

H. T. Wall-ic. Wilmir.g- -n: W. J.

Darii. Is. New Cas; lr; Herb, Eastb'irn. Newaik: B. Brnker. A. IL Tatum. Wilnin gten W. J. Aim-trorg Marshallton; J-'-hn B.

Ns-ark: T. Wil-mi-g'n: Lre-n Pair of heaw drive: H. i. r.g W. R.

Ceodl-y. Wilmir.g-ton; W. H. Klair, Wilmirgtcn. ii heavv driver A.

J. Travis. J. T. Chandler.

H. T. Wall.iee. 2. ar.i William P.

Norland, all et ngT Jam" Daltt Newark; 2: Flln du Wilmirc'-. n. 4 Cl-t5 9 pcr.irs Harrv Jcnes, Wihrvnc" T. 1 rory; Edgnr R. Vernon.

Marshalr. -r. 9 and 3 cMts; Jam-s Dalleir. N. rk.

5 and W. H. Tr.n-. Wilr Clsss i T-a-t-S-rrA L- 1 re rv' Sect! Edward G. F.

and E. I. Cco*k. 2: Martin, all ark. ar.i ks-J-i- Klair.

Wilm EUMXIT BRIDGE. Summit Bride 3 The a S'lmmit Brings tO F'rr rj i f'n Ti-law-are. Tii- an 'irsion la-? w-k aw-ar- it and Frt T- in efiMrg, of 1 a rnsgv. i -n th- srht-ol Th potv in tnd at For? du I'ont re- i reived H. id-r -i ed bv Liut Landerc.

Tb en? e.r-ri the party and later the parte-4t of in' he-n Bt the fort Afterward x'nry wn.t to Fort Delaware, where hv aw manv things of Tijev wer- i bv Maver ruuith fi I a a r- Ol? V. WtlO 3'- 1 1 U- c. and advised th-m to be good, whien they- thought if a great joke on cunday-tchool scholars- 1 r.e party re-urtd to their homee about welL pU -u-ed axid LaMr.g profited by tr.e trip. PAVOR8 THE ROOSTER. facrrta We fur scribe to the argument that the root'er is a mot appropriate embirra for the "plow." ticket than the The piow un turn a birrcw 6.1 bv right, but has to be dragged the r.osc- to do it, while, a jA o'Si-t-r is in f.g:.tij-.g turn all the time.

Hotel Improvements imr-rove-me nts the The imr-rove-me nts the Barn Hotel. Fifth and Orange whi havt unde-r way for f-o-ue re I r. P.u.-tr.' ss has Im coriduefed during the nu. tirr.e h-alrerarion we-if n.rvie Th- give-f more rex.m a n-arrareme-nt ha it taken place. Labor Day at Pottoffice.

'Io'lay Labor l)uy. It na-served a- a jhday the j.s one el. livery of mm! i- colWetion end the- winlows Hi re at 9 o'ci rfk for the eiay. h'ew United States Gauger. H.

F. Snvdei of b.t ob- i if a-- c.liigfr tor he inoiit Unii .1 lor the rectifying hie4-hig M. J. Hetuy, I 'ii 11 A Cargo of Sugar. ugu 1 1 Oft! of he The- f.i.-t iron trotn Jiivu 1 tl Delaware is the Brii i-h i.s route to wa? mH 1 1 -iif.

tin.hii. Si Sitbin- and Not to Build New Echools. Tn which the Board-of Ldu-ra' ion borrowir.g if not ior the erection of tew tchoolr, at was reported, but to pay for trork which ia cow bticg doiie. 1 i 17 fini 151 VI 11 km i iii A Parade ot the Yarions Local Onions Took Place This Morning. INTERESTING TURNOUT Ecmbers of Some Organizations Wore Uniform Costumes.

PUBUCMSSMEETING FOLLOWED The Day Was Generally Ob-Served as a Holiday. 3USINESS WAS PARTIALLY SUSPENDED Today was Labor Day and it was bsrved as a holiday in Wilmington. Most of the manufacturing establish-taeot wre idle and business was largely suspended, lhe b-nks were 3hsed a were aiso most o( the pubiio jffiees. The day wsj celebrated in various ways, ffinciraily by the members of local la bir The laborf parade started Jit O.oO 'clock. A great deal of entDusiasm was shown by the participants.

The parade formed at Seventh and BhipJey streets, where the reidquar-ters of the Central Labor Union are located. There werosn bands aid tile nd drum corps in line, but most of tbem were non-union organization, because of friction with the Union. The parade went out Seventh street to Washington, to Fourth, to Jacksoo, countermarch to Malison, to Ninth, to Market, to Pine, to Ninth, to r'-wood, to Kirkwood Park. Arriving at the pirk the line dismissed an1 a public meet ioc was held on Kirkwood treet. When the parade left Seventh and Shipley ttrrets it waj by Chief Marshal F.

Miller and his aide. Cieorge 11. Hogue, Frea Lyons and S. H. Jecnincs A rlatoon ot police in charge Serzreant Lyen3 icllowed, after wnica came about sixteen members of tne Central Labor Union in carriages.

The Polish Eagle Band was the first musical organization in line and it was followed by the Tinsmiths Union of 75 men. The Powdermakers Union, about 40 men. were next and it was followed by the Irish-American Fife and Drum Corps. The Typographical Union had about 25 in line and the structural Iron Workers Unicn. who followed.

about Th District Council of Carpenters Unions came next, 100. The Friendship Band headed the Carpenters Uniocs. Not. "25. lot-i and 1607, with a total of nearly 30O in line.

The Ladies ot the Labor League followed in a tally-ho and also wagon, with children. The were followel by the Wilmington Fife and Drum Corps. The Hou-e Painters hi about line, the Paper Hacgeia 60. the Ir.n Moulders 5X and the i-ttrs Unir-n 0. The parade ended at Kirkwood Pars, where addresses were made by William H.

Hahn, district orgarozer of the American Federation ci Lacor, and T. Z. White. Several organizations had transparencies in line and tte Tinsmiths Union carried tin utrbrellss. There will be other attractions during the afterrcoc.

Every hour that you resiect a ceujih or eoid it i faicirc en you. Lijodg it at tfce otstpet wjtti Ha 'e of florto'jsd and Tar." THE A.KKTJAL TCRyFEBT. About 5.C00 Tureen at BrsTsdywins Springs Park Proza the Fhilaielpbi District The ancuil turr.ft of the Philadelphia District ci Turners began at wine Spring? Park today, when about 5.003 members of th various organtistiocs wr Thy ca froa Ptiladf lphia, Paltimcre, Cbester, Atlantic City. Trenton and Kiverside, N. Koxborough.

end other plicea. Three trains brought vieitors Irom F-Diladelpbia, Baltimcr and Washic-jtcn today, while a large rutrber cam" yesterday and they tad an outing at the park. The JWilmirgton -fcicb ae's as host, is a member of tb g-anization. end sora of tie visitors jirt beirg ectertair.e-i at homes o'. the member, wcls others are storpirg hotels.

Wfciie tta' came Lert jufrt for today a large number will remain until tomorrow evenitg. wba the festivities will close. lexiay, at tte park, tcer will be athletic evect of diSerect kinds, to be part cipa ted in by vm of tte different orgacizatioce, including ttioee of WjlaiLgton, and tomorrow will te children day. wien tte children will have interesting en-rcisfs The las: xseeticg of the district organizations was held ic Wilmington four years ago, when tte festivities were held at tne Horse bh.iw Par. Some valuable pruei will be offered for the different events, including silver cups, medals.

tc. Tfc Peoples Kail way Cc. has made tpcial arrangements to handle a large crowd of people between i and the park tomorrow, whil eiraihir arrangemecta have been made to the W4pt Cheater, iiennert A Wil-'uiatoa Co to britig viaitore froa; eiinsyl va ia. to Cure INDIGESTION To get the itii3 of Uf'r yoir tww. r.d tOiOueii Bt i.j.-' i.B r.w' n.vrn- u- Kl isVKl F.

It cum- IVlt-hTiK. 1 Vcumty r.iin. Nm-rv. I HI.Mi A I ht.

A I iAUUipf. NKtlKll 1- tr lU HM. It out ifif U'l no tt.e R-orrnrh ntj1 Irr r. f-ii' f.per. f-rt-je a The jfetuiiue 4 ur- oi4 nl hurt utA'Sl veK-ih eit lier botue n1 i trie g'4 i' Uv whole nr.eiri.

wit delay your l.tai't unrtnir.f1. to jjet It you f. rret. ry lYIiller Drug -402 Market St. LABOR DAY CELEBRATED How HE WAS ARRESTED TODAY His Capture Was Effected by a Reprs-sentatiYe of the Chicago Tribnse and an Assistant State's Attorney of Chicago.

HE WILL RETURN PEACEAELY Had Chosen Morocco a3 a Por manont Residence. RPTRlYrn RY 1 WflMlM crnpjm ft i 1 wjLf Amrrtln'vA Trfm by Special Chicago, 111., Bpt. Ti. A sp-cial cablegram te the Tribuc announr-f that Paul O. prftsident of th3 MiJ waukewv Avno.

fi-ink, was eviplur- i today in TansrfT, Mo-rfHje-o. Htenland was at 8 o'clock this room ir. if by tn Triboa reprentat.i vft and -Assistant state's Attorney ilarry Ol3An of Chicago ia the Knlish titenaiaod agresd to rtorn Asti3tant ytat'3 Attorney Uarhotir fw--ied from Apirf-ant State'3 Attor-ney Olsen today a cablf-gram statins; that Paul O. Sterssiand had b-n ijr-resti in Tangier. Htensland, accord In to a cab riSm.

patch to tb Tribune from Gibraltar, publisherl this morning, ift Gibraltar for the eastern coat Africa at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, just one hoJr and 40 before th representative of the Tribune and Atietant ytate'3 Attorney Olsn arrived, after trailing him from Amerioe, to Kcgiac'L theDce to Gibraltar, to Tangier, hack to Gibraltar and th-enc!" to Kenda, where be saw a bull -fight, beviJJe and other hanih ll was traveling under th alia-j cf Ft OHen cf Norway. The paper sayg Mr. Gnmmere, tBe Americjan Minister to jlornri, aias on the loooious and the iDoment Ibe received intrnctiorif from the State. Department be woulti 5rxl a detail of the Bultao '-t "soldiers to take Stensiwod. JStenland, the dispatch say caooae Morocco a3 a perirriaDent reaidesce be-cauae there is no extradition treaty with that eiotiiitry.

Thedultaa as, Fea, however, will co aoytbing for "real-dent Roosevelt. The matter of th-in a rnaa ia jail and keepiDg hic3 there indefinitely ia so small renaeat tia; it ia grantesd before is 13 asdei. "It Steaaiaad decides to retrjra peaceably," the- Tribaaa dispatca -cntinaes, "well and good. Otterwie. one of the United States" warships that will be at Gilbraltar ia 10 daya -t-riii probably cross to Tangier, the fugitive will be thrown on board aad the saip will be headed fear America.

We disco vered thas he had 12,000 ia a task in Tangier. Stepa have been taken i As3istan5 Statea Attorney Oiaea to ti thta money up, It was the old story of a ronaa scorned that; led to the Snding cf tens land's traiL One cf his cuiner-oua friends, who thougnt she had beta shabbily treated, pus the Tribune ia possession of the rirss bins aa to sne fugitive's whereabouta. Her information was iadetinite, but iavettig-itioa proved its probable accuracy. on August 13th, it became certain that ne was in iangser ana caa ceea tor tlays. He tied from Chicago ca baa-day, July 12th, wea dirtjesiy to New York and took the White btar Lin steamer sailing on Tuesday for Liverpool and stayed there two days.

Stensland aeis tuck the P. i O. ciaemer, reaching Gibraltar oa J-M iTtn. Thera ha cook the i.tac;er for Tangier. Sew Sanitary Facshties.

New 'sanitary tacit 'ties ire railed in the City at ixi-i and. King streets, tne -v-siiv ieea authoriie-J at the last Strett k. Co. ud Ceili to Have Feter Ceila. propnofr taurant been ce 7s irk, has 1:1 i ice a.r.

iper.s- tc Farty. A en rkuv bne V. Kolea in 1- of l.e-.-rf. N. tiie guest ol VA X.

is Child ti Recovering. The cblLi of Charles Vald ot vst SfccnJ to "as st- tacktU Py a tard is imiroving. Aseordiug to the father, the ehiSu was -vamini nlcrg trie sireet with wheu tue hu tvllo tins attached fry a lare l-iy; outti Koei, whicb fractuwa th? siu.L A piece of txtv was taieu itvm tb brain sc iJeiawarw Hos; ital ou and ttva ehUd may recover. ad Caused TJ zi asUO u-3c ss. rs Mary Qaiiciey v-f '-'i 1'e rt-r street fell iliinu stairs at thd Iu-iitEsne v'nioi rasiroftd statien iaaL -vud uncoi.scioas.

rb-. us HtU-nJeet by I'r. John lahuer and uiter sbe revival sent to her bc-aia. he sia.utJ Return of Major i'liuea States thuitieer x-pectod to return troai i'oiro xodnj. tl ma to ha arrived eateriisyv txit svhich ti as a utidert tooU have tufvii tlvlnyt-t.

e.UlJit lif til ust the eiUssied aJv. if el O-i Kvery nioiv t. i i aoertisui Uia-i a-i t'ia other Lo snai. ra iu t'e eity- vw-iibitw-U. Reception to Pi.ce.

t. t. t. trie sc'rvola" of St. hu'e Sun.mj scaov'l en.

inX vkiil takd V'aeo regaoucs ot ttv weather. So Health Board Tody. Tcslsy tein3 a iv Bca-a of vili not meet, but a uvtttusg will te held toim rroiv tertiooii. at liUuiiv 1 of ss i 7-5 SI ret.4 mdaiea 41 7 sa. Cij kS4 9, tu.

Closed Monday. Labor-Day, at Noon. Plaid Dress Goods for girls' school dresses- we've, a splendid line of them in all the wanted combination, nt 2ie, oOc, 7.V, HXc and lor an extra skirt youll find what you want in our Remnant pile, and at a reelueed price, teto. Vr (foxl. ft fit Boor.

30c rino India Llnon, 19c Only about ten pieces of this smoothly woven sheer India so much in demand for pretty waists nnd evening drei, re-duee-d to 19c as a special White toodi bargain. Fim floor. Corsets Reduced In several numbers of our popular $1 corsets we are out of some sizes, and have but these alteigetber at erne closing eut price, 74c each. A bargain if your iz is in the lot and to start with we have nearly all sizes in one ftyle or the either. Firt floor.

Our Closing Out Sale of white skirts and waists goes merrily on. At the remarkably low pries the" handsome geiod ar offered for they will not last. th wwk out Two priees only in the white waists 98c. for the $1. 2o and SL.V" and $2, $199, for 2 to $1 ') ones, $2.50.

for whit skirts that were from St 00 to $3.00 each. Take eler-ator, second florr. W.H.Smith&Co. 407. Del.

1407 Dispensary for Sick Babies and Children Medical uttenitatsce art1 medicines fret-. Honrs from t- 1 p. iu. every il.ia-Oav, e.ineiy nn.i At St. Michael's Hospital for Babies, 207 Washington Street.

-Deaths. pfUN KY In ihis itv. M. 1 Ho.lcet Pliancy rn1 f'tcn ii ro tnrTPl to tiet.t 'Urdnsi-rHl h-r t- result-net. Vt on ai.rn ms at ti ctf.

mi.s at (. lawr-roent a -Aihe-triv! rni-fcry. iiKl'l'B On tU'tcai! Ut, X. Ort2b. sa jcrs IlelaUves an lr cn-1 if-sn vit-l tc the furifral -t1- ti-s ni-lenci- OruMt s.

on TucmIiv 31 1 Int-c r-mot at IWUtft M. t. ee-uifuerv. it hour turthcr notU. MASON At sscptcmbtT Jt.

t. Mai.ii in his M'th ntitt trien.t are icseefif*ckv inv to attpri the result-lie i hi t-r iht-r Ts'n'! tret. on "lnity ermwi, ptt u.l..-r Mh, at e- ic-it luii-vmsuo at RiTvmew i 1 1 i El. I. In this city.

vi i. S'icHii A Miff ci Harry McConneU. in rier S3 I vfar B-Unvts act frien.l of the faaaUy are iuvue4 to atten.t trio tuneial wrv uvs at her late rtclence, xn rencn srfet. on Mrntlav itrnHw. at 3 ri tiix ote-raH-nl at Kr.ervieiv cpiucSi-rv RFKb- In this city i.n ptemtxT Mry ite i.l Kr-t-l in her t-nr HUO vf U'1 frit-nits t)t" ih; famih arc inv.if.1 te Iteti't ih.

ftmcial -crvlc at her ri-li lice. No West xttf-et eites.ta r-ej-ii ii.tier at 2 uu-at nt lUii-nii'H t-froe'i-ry. Tl I.l KV -ri M. l-ti. at nt ntriiiiit nnt tiruMn nffpn, li amj i'rtiricW ami t'theinf 1 iig.1 Jn yea's.

Ketativos an.t ti Un ts. mrnihers t( the H-icnth Want an th-. are 1.1 iten 1 lhe fxiiieitt', tu Hjfv-n mornintt at i i i It II1! ma' at -t 1 aul Is i tn.ri i u-riiit nt at the tK-N Cat iidra! ceuiei iliukrtalifis. William E. Haines, Undertaker and Emba'rner, 301 E.

23d Street. D. Jk A. Phone 3606A. Personal aliention.

Chargts moderate. James T. Chandler, Undertaker and EZmbalmei, 214 West Ninth Street. CuiUH'i tfcaus. LAWN CROFT CEMETERY eiiifteriet licit o.

iii ciiit'8, 1 the new rit-s turvtmli-fmt the e.ivnn'.ry .411113 a butane from tin clue crie fti'r mure Watitilul or tcrcs.j itvcatu'iii than I AWN liOV i. urt luer iiitoiuiatUm on re.jnet. 919 Market VUruln3l0a, Room 2, porrtct. lhe registration omcer were also advised tnat 11 pardon for Matlnok rlnthed him with nil th privilgei of citizenship. But the fnet of tbo situation is that Matlaok vh not pnrtloned; his aen-fence vvris only commuted, which simply minted him lrotu oenflnement before the expiration of hia term, but did not itlTect any other lortion his Ecuiteiiot.

He is therefore disfran-chiand. Til if- being the case, when Chief Lore, tomorrow, ait to hear npfifula from the work of tie re-gistrn-tion tllloera, the case of Mntlack will bo called bis attention, and he will order at lack's name to be stricken from the regi'dration li-ds. OFFICER 8AID TO BE MISSING. Chief Black Unable to Learn the Where about! of Patrolman Pierce. Chrirges of being absent without leave will probablv be preferred by Chief of l'olic Black ngiiitif-t 1'nt rolman Harry A.

Pierce, at tonight's wion of the Police Commission. It is said that Oflieer Pierer hiiletl to report for duty on Satur-elav at roll cnll and did not apjWiir at police liendejuart' all that tiny or yet-teolay. Chief Black" iii'piiied of the oflieer family and learned from them that he hail been' missing fince List 1 rid ay night and that they have not heard any-t lung from hirn. Inquiry wn. madf at the oflirer's home today at' noon as tn his wheienbouta but the family had not heard anything from him.

DIAMOND STATE STEEL CO. Outsiders Have Been Looking Over the Plant. But is Has Not Changed Hands. A rumor was ourei during th pa.t few day to the effr-ct that pom? change was rdiout to place at the plant of thf IHatnond State Steel Co and that the planl would shortly taken over by a syndicate. When P.

Wincheeter. nn" of th rece've-ra, was asked tilxiut the miitter, he faid there wa, practieallv no change in the situation. lie said several from othr places had been here reently looking over the plant, but no arrangement have b.en made for it, to change hands. A RECORD RUN. Long Train Brought From Baltimore in 08 Minutes.

lingmeer Fildward Cordon of the B. A- W. railroad is miking a record for inns. Within a few el ays he brought a trnin. consisting of nn engine and six cars, from Baltimore to this eity in minuter.

The tiistaneo is o0 niiles and the time, for th average express train is 1 hour and 22 minute, without The trip between the two points wns made without a stop other than the flowing down while crossing the Susquehanna budge, as is required in the rules. RIBS FRACTURED. The Result of Violent Sneezing and Coughing. A a reult of a severe sneeze. Edward Turner of 211t Larnmot strfet fractured a nh about two weeks 3g and was confined to the house for a few but is better now and i.

able to be about. At first Mr. Turner did not know what made his side so sore after ncezine, and consulted a physician, who said hi rib was badly fractured, which was caused by a sev ere sneeze. six weeks ago Mr. Turner frac-turi rib by constant coughing.

CATERPILLARS ABOUT. Th7 Have Made Their Appearance, But Have Not Done Much Damage. whiih have feen scatee this yar. are makirffj their appearance in large numlK-rs, but there is no indication that they ill fieeornf sufficiently rsumeroua as to dct ructiv. In seime re-ef-nt years they have been nume reju.

that hey slripptel the leaves frr.m many of th sha ie trees U-catne a great nuiMnee either wnvji. but the tre liive fe--n ctimparativtly free from them this year STRICKEN AT WASIITUB. Mrs. Suttn A. MrConneil Dies Suddenly at Her Home.

While standing over a wafehtub waah-mg some in last. F'riday, Mrs. S.n-hn A. MtCeiniiell. iigr'd wife of Harry Mc'Cnnc-il of French street, was with an attack of htiiit to 1.

Me and che died a htiltj while later. "I he tunejal tnk- pi tin's aitornoon at A 'cleir fn'-m her late Internal. will he made at Hiverview temttciy. Paitor AUiion Remembered Rev. Alexander Alison, pastor of the Bri'-rbv tenan Chun-h, who is fumrr.fiir.g ulor.g the Brand vw ma near Pa wa Ise leeipient of numerou e.

,1 grat nla? ion up--n the occ asaui i his Vfin Inlay anniv ersiii whit ii tierurretl last liiesiirty. i l. 1 1 ngi ai olat loin came in the toiiii i-f a Hood ot Msuviiir p.tiid Iilill- iiiel lei griilies. iroll! bis frit -nd ii' VYi -t hureii toid the members hif" fhble ci.os. winch has an of Uioie tjinn Mi.

Alison tie- to 1 ji 1 h.s git at apj ri I it i .11 the though! hi hi i aiid id ishes of his friends. Mr. aiid his tanuly wiil 1 1 tins to their home at Ninth and on Si pi ember title I bo'iiZi lhe illi I if OM nicl. to i loll I hill- VI I 11 11 I i i 1 1 1 i it pt-cttd i I ,11 ilM lii'lllm by September j. -i will I lli ll.illlkt c.

1 he rt iiie and Siiiid.i be for Oecllj.HiH IMh. If so it is hkely lutt I III .1 .1 it! tlusf qu.HiclH oinph lion t.l the nuditoiiimi. fiix ts 1 iiil ol being: th l.pmen( iitong ev ity ople are atiiiiiiisly vv (tiling I In colli! ilg i mark lhe I ill-(li)l lot' li.e to begin. Grateful for Support, lhe I'liitisare Snengt rbund, under vv the -etlkMt -i. vv a reerntly hi Id at Bniielywiiie Spring-i.

is grao fni Id f.ll ho oiitiiliuted to its -s. as il siioeil the interest the public in the tinde) tiikiijg. Great Demaini for Mileage Books. 1 lie new mile-age books issued by ho and Baltimore d. Ohio railroads "wc-re plaee-d on eala on Saturday and the demand here was heavy, showing the popularity of the book.

Closed at Noon This is tho only country on earth where a premium is put on the man who worka. All honor to the man who resoecta the premium. Stocks are shifting here, the light weights going out, the new fall weights coming in. Suits, overcoats, trousers, furnishings, hats, shoes and cloths for tailoring.1 Closed at o'clock except Saturdays. JAS.

T. M0I.MH SONS, 6th and Market. H. T. Sergeant, Coal and Wood Office, Seventh and King Sts.

Both Phones. Wiii No! Scratch. trcim tyhrx ur)lie, airt ieatr th handa nft alter usinif. A iVrnt hrx wakes a full pint when ved. Viiil bv-Anna Hinthnm, Market at3-t J.

M. Harvey, Y7 Iflware avnia. F. Turriff, isevnrh and atreta. 6.

H. Bavnar-I, Fifth an1 Marift street Iren Hpbrcn. Rtrt Nfwsr.non, Tenth n-1 Aflaras ret. Mr. Hewitt.

Wt f-ix'h street. Jr. f. WUHm.t, Nfmh stitl MaflrsonSt. Millar Fmisr eo MaxKft trt Z.

Jrn-a iiit, i-Uth and Markft strr. J. ,1. IV aad MarKot N. B.

Iianfo-th. 124 Market swt. James Morrrsw A -on. 211 Mri etawt. ase Iimz tijrhthand Monroe H.

F.isrh'h and Market streeu. r. Rrs iv Hon, 21 0 Markrt srreet. Wm. F.

BoBzart, Third mad nnell Sta Dr. W. srBiTh. Fonrrii and Htrraon ot Thomas J. Ijiwirn.

Masonic Tfcmpie. O. I. Gentry, Eighth and Woilanon atat ChmutmgfT rm. JaTje, Del.

taxnpl9 be had tor tae aaaing, V. 1112 Went Slitit grreet. Wholesale and retail agect tor Peiawaxe. Ii.iA. Phone, REVIEW BY PRESIDENT.

'Con-inued from first pftre.J Loeb. the Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Newberry, Sureeon-Generai of the Navv Kixcy, Ue-utennt-Coinmarider Key naval aide te the Prvsiek-nt W. Emhn Rex'sevelt.

F. P. Dunne. J. r'ormolly, tirant La Farge.

Dr. Hollan.ier. Mr. Yalaquez and re-pre- nttie ot the prtfMf newpaptrs and ph.otcjfcraphcr5. Anivnie cn thr- Dolphin, vvhrrv the Prvi.iiletit and Mrs.

IlcHiscvt'lt entertviiMrd the larger part their guests, wen? Mts Ethel Rch-vcit, Kcrnut Rooveit. Archie i eh Quentin Roosevelt, Mr? jGeoige B. Cortelyou. Mrs. Bacon, wife of tiie Acting Secretary of Mrs, and Mrs.

Rixc-v The Dolphin rook her place at the ead of hv third tolurm and th- Ir M-- the head of the hist column, hot in position throughout the tv view he a the Mdvf.o'.veT h. at the of the centre colnrati, the i3g othcer- ind coniinandt ts of the fleet viil pay their rrsxvts the PiesideiH and will be en-u rtained on the- Maytlower at luncheon. The hour of o'siock ha cxea tried for the hmcheon. Luncheon over. President Roosevelt will rake a iauru-h and v'sit several of the bankshipa and the opshlp Yankee, where he vv til say a few erd ttt the crew, lie will nct r-: urn he Mav tlower.

and she cchcial review will ix- aii The Pjvsidcnt ha planned to on the Mavtlowcr. with a ot guests. until eve inrsg to it tit mmatiO'i of the ships -ct i i After li-iliu the of 1 retain night and tics VV uisemr.arti Rooseveit pier, vnicit Sagamore (he their diinr vieo.nri at 6 f'thnk. to: PANIC ON A STEAMER. Score of Women and Children.

Thrown to the Deets.5 and Trampled. New York Sept A wild desire to the h.O i tc-I off liay for today's naval ve ie.v a panic amona tho I 0J -iC cu snK-w i.t'el su-amor lit'ltigep est i iriV VV rilCIl il Tv. nt women ami cniunru vvoie 'iirovvii to 1, deck. r.i.mpk-d. As the apj the iUv.

every ue vushrd to tht pint side. Tho steaiuer lieeleel over uit it her gu.iuis vvejo subiin-rged and f*cknt rushed uvcr the lower Ui. i "he's tumiiig over." was the erv, 1 The (low re he i iirbvard rail, jiot as t.rriMe iss; that i Next a l'lu t'o isie rv. ill Will 1 i-. vv i mjurtd.

The tvve most si. rio'-i-lv injured were iaketi to the home os' iri; ikIs it li ill! hi- Ot Oil ,1 I i 1 vvhetl the HiidgejMiri liiUiliV laiuicd. Pension Vouchers Executed September i. Cel. VYainw right eiihee.

No. West seventh street, seconel lloor, will Ih i ivsi lOHiv h. ni. to IU p. IV avi id tletava extra vuHarks pid'hc and clerk are engaged for the day.

The Public Schools. The public school will resut-ne ihir regular scions tomorrow. For two -eVs there will but use swcn each day. LAUREL. CorrosponileiK-e ol Kvery Evf nlni? Laurel, Sept.

3. The public schools opened today for the fall term. Mi.s Finma Pennc-1 has brrn elected teacher of the fourth grade, vice Mis Willie I'enpor, resignco. 1 lie Lit lie Crt fk Democratic Club will hold iis annual heiion tonight in Bacon's Hall. K.

L. Francis has moved his from the Knney Building to the Smith Building, tcctmly vacated by Meyer Kahn. The Kenney Buddtng will he oceupiel by the W. S. HeUnian Co.

The interior of St. Philip's Church is being and decorated by a corps of ilmington artists. Among the Wdmingtoninns who visited I-aurcl last week vere Harrv Hop, James Thonvson, G- ige Paul. llenrn. Mis.

George Wlme and Mis F'lsie Tnntt. MIDDLETOWJf PERSONALS. nrrpspomViicp I Kvery K.Tpmne. Midillftown. Sept.

3. Mis lx-Ttie .1. Jolls is -isitisig fiicnds at Chestf rville, Md. Miss F.Uie Byron is at Chest tr-town. Md.

James B. Adkins has returned from Sea ford Miss Maud Mc-Intyie of Chchnham. has len visiting Miss Sylvia Moore Mrs. Waller Collins of New York has been visiting Mrs. W.

F. Barnard Pr ten HardeaMle returned to 1 'hi nit Irliia. afler a visit bete Mr. and Mrs. William Van Sant of Wi'mirgtr-n are Mr and Alfred Green alter Green of Philadelphia irg liere Mir-s Emma Kelley i as returned iiom New Fgvpt.

N. J. Mis Mary Hall and Miss LT'izabcth Hall returned liom Atlantic City. CERTIFICATE OT INCORPORATION. Dover.

S-p 3. A certificate of corporation was fled hre. Satnnlav. m-for the Bolt less Rail Joint Co Ha.j-buv. Ac don Heights.

to manufacture, sil ana deii in not less saaaies. capital stock, 5200.0OT Large House Changes Hand. A. B. Schagrin.

pr-priemr of the ore at No. 21 King street, lia purena-'d f'om Charier Kurtz the at No. 211 West street, which prirt of 'he old Samuel Harlan tstate. Ti ground extends fiom West strrei to Washircfn. The house faces on We si a stable is the re-ar on Wash-it-gton tn It has shout t'evt i ont The ne- owner ends to tear deovn he stable and erect, four houses on the site.

The bu lling he will have fitted up and rent it. Pire in a Dwelling. About damage was done by a fire c-f unknow the house No. tv'2 Madison stre by Isaae Aust-n. last The fire stariiti in a xt nd-s; rry rrcm.

which is r-nte-d by Samuel ox. A ill alarm was ttirne'd in. but B. Cartmell, John J. Taggart ar.d Walter 'it mis ith a fire ex.

n.guisher ar.d V-u-'-ke 1 put out the blaze brtore the rr -d. John Doto Home. John F. -o i Nn th ft bo h-. tak-n t- fa r.v-mo a few day- ag werk pg--.

wh'le at Ahnif one of lot fr-tt h)e rim an.l tiad Mi by i lv re-lb- is ed frwjt a tra.n H- wa tair. to rut hs r'd i be Or-d at uuabl to vi-ik. but the is r.eai to Young Couple. Mr. and Mr.

-arnvK-l B. Ix -ms of 2" Eat Twent-frturth street gave a re-e- pion t'riday e-vn-u-g of he marri'jge- --f he tr lore r.c to Elk. If. M'-Ail er. The time ple'a r.tly 'tT' bv marv arid Mu al jt-n-dered by Willard The -were ract i and original, leim -'u! ie f.f Keleer-Genn Wedding.

Mi Anna and Fiobert A. Keir ef -s wt re married at Asieary parsonge on r-atijriav evening ry j-te A erert: bv Fit her. -id. I hey were at M. Lujt and Mis Awarded a Gold Badge.

Cor.rad Bork. 8ged 12 of Ticnr.ett ttreet, wsf awarded tl.f geld badge in the Sep'emher St. Nieh las league eonfr for the drawing The lad ability up- an art it. LAME A 1 ISnrk 1 AIJ Wor In lhe J'ropi Are it 1 1 A tht nehf-? ail flny find rji. eoirfort istati! is tiesnily worse to Mk yi fe'd as if ou't 1 nt hii'l ere a I hi ou cure llm' I'iiis cir.

ciels rhikf you fi I iit wuik ta t-ti. bt l.i ttf-r iin i ip I. -it-r. 1'iriiiiirurl cures in Wilmington iro'n iicrii JJ'-toiV Mt.

Sem 1 1.. HVi-nijf l) l-, bh: "I tm i i.Ju'-y i i I'liitf I f'-r live 1 tried i rent ion 'j- eiii uiui eorit-uitcil but got no re i' I Wfin nr) tifiii ai IllIiCM tlmt i ctJUi'1 l) Ui he li 1 1 am iri toy l.nck nlmo-t iiiiial nnd fi--n iiii nwiikf ictii-r i i (Din in luil. Wlit-n I 1 in I fir iiioinii-'g t-it lainn lUei uolti. JJo.iu'm hiiii.t-y 1 i l-i weie bi'ouutit to attention mid 1 went to iiinf 1,1 1 h'e ih IJiill II box. ol ifd th" for ttitjy took ililit lioi'il Bitd hoon brought ii; txit all rittbt.

My inifbMti'l itlfo t.seii llii-m for buekachn wiili bftit-rlt. (Jrom tslu*teii.ent liiiUe in tin Sei'teiii lx-r Jtol, Aim. liimncr added to In oiijinul tuite nx-nt lln following. fter a liijfB n-viMi ji-arn I fan uti Ibilt ley buck bliH lli-vrr troiihhil llie MUCH tixiiirf Jlonn's Kidicy 1 'ill In initl I reeorniju-nd tbem vtitU i-vtm moie conli-elr-n. t- than I did in l-07." For rale by deul-r.

Prifii, M) cent. t'o-tU -r-Milburn b'o liutlalo. New Ytirk. nolo uente for the Lnited ir-tu hernemtier the cauia Doan'i antl taka tiO other..

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.