4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (2024)

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The traditional 5-day work week has been the standard for decades, but there’s a growing interest in the 4-day work week, especially after the pandemic accelerated changes in work culture.

Countries around the world are experimenting with this new model, with Australia among the pioneers. It’s gaining traction for its potential to improve work-life balance without sacrificing productivity. Advocates argue that a shorter work week can lead to increased employee satisfaction, reduced burnout, and even heightened efficiency as workers aim to complete their tasks within a more compressed timeframe.

The new productivity will be measured in terms of qualitative and quantitative output, not hours. This shift emphasizes the importance of outcomes over the sheer number of hours worked, aligning more closely with modern understandings of productivity and work efficiency.

However, Greece has recently shifted to a 6-day work week, demonstrating that “one size” doesn’t fit all. This move highlights the varied economic and cultural contexts that influence work models across different regions. It raises important questions about the adaptability and universality of any single work model.

So, is our classic 5-day work week still the best compromise? The debate continues, as businesses, employees, and policymakers weigh the pros and cons of various work schedules. As we navigate this evolving landscape, it becomes clear that flexibility and adaptability may be key to finding the optimal balance for diverse workforces.

4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (1)

Understanding the 4-Day Work Week

A 4-day work week typically means employees work four days a week instead of five, often without a reduction in pay. The idea is to maintain the same number of working hours per week (compressed work week) or to reduce the hours worked overall while keeping the salary intact. This approach aims to enhance productivity, boost employee morale, and improve overall well-being. A successful Implementations. UK firms who have tried this model, are not looking back.

One of the most cited examples of a successful 4-day work week is Microsoft Japan. In 2019, the company trialled a four-day work week and reported a 40% increase in productivity. The experiment was part of Microsoft’s “Work-Life Choice Challenge Summer 2019,” where employees were given Fridays off for a month. Not only did productivity soar, but there was also a notable reduction in electricity costs and a decrease in the number of printed pages, aligning with the company’s sustainability goals.

4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (2)

Pros for Employers

  1. Increased Productivity: Evidence suggests that a shorter work week can lead to higher productivity. Employees are often more focused and efficient when they know they have an extra day off. Read the interesting study made by the University of Queensland.
  2. Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention: A better work-life balance can lead to happier employees, which can reduce turnover rates. Employees with a three-day weekend may feel more rested and engaged when they return to work.
  3. Reduced Burnout: Longer weekends provide employees more time to relax and recharge, which can help prevent burnout and improve mental health. Read this study to find out more on the mental health benefit.
  4. Cost Savings: Companies may save on operational costs, such as electricity and office supplies, by reducing the number of days the office is open.
  5. Attracting Talent: Offering a 4-day work week can be a significant perk that helps attract top talent, particularly in competitive industries.

Cons for Employers

  1. Coverage and Availability: Ensuring adequate coverage throughout the week can be challenging. It may be difficult to maintain the same level of customer service or operational efficiency with fewer days.
  2. Transition Challenges: Shifting to a 4-day work week requires careful planning and communication. There can be initial disruptions as employees and managers adjust to the new schedule.
  3. Potential for Overwork: Compressing work into four days might lead to longer workdays, which could negate the benefits of a shorter week by increasing stress and fatigue.
  4. Industry-Specific Constraints: Not all industries or job roles are suited to a 4-day work week. For example, industries that require round-the-clock coverage, like healthcare or customer service, may find it impractical.
  5. Performance Measurement: It can be challenging to measure productivity gains and losses accurately. Employers need robust metrics to ensure that productivity is maintained or improved.
4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (3)

Is the 4-Day Work Week Right for Your Business?

Before implementing a 4-day work week, businesses should consider several factors:

  • Business Model: Assess whether your business model can support a shorter work week without compromising service quality or operational efficiency.
  • Employee Feedback: Involve employees in the decision-making process. Conduct surveys or hold discussions to gauge their interest and concerns.
  • Pilot Programs: Consider running a pilot program to test the feasibility and impact of a 4-day work week. Monitor key metrics such as productivity, employee satisfaction, and customer feedback.
  • Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Ensure compliance with labour laws and regulations. Consult with legal experts to navigate potential legal challenges.
  • The right Equipment: HybridHero’s software allows you to find out who’s in and who’s out of the office at any time, it can also facilitate your team’s flexible hour scheduling (self check-in and out).


The 4-day work week presents a compelling case for rethinking traditional work structures. The decision to implement such a change should be based on a thorough analysis of potential benefits and challenges. By carefully considering the unique needs of your operations and workforce, your businesses can determine if a 4-day work week is a viable and beneficial option. The success stories from companies like Microsoft Japan provide valuable insights, but the ultimate decision should align with the specific goals and capabilities of your organisation.

PS: You might find this article useful to help you in your decision making process.

4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (4)

PPS: at HybriHero we are experts in Flexible working models, jump on a brief consultation call with us, to assess how our software could help you smoothly transition to a 4-day work-week schedule whilst maintaining your KPI’s in check and boosting your productivity.

Click here to book a call now

4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? (2024)


4-Day Work Week: Is it Right for Your Organisation? ›

The four-day work week may be particularly appealing to workers who have some autonomy over when and how the work gets done, or for those who regularly work more than 40 hours per week. The four-day work week may not be the right solution (or only option) for every company.

Should companies go to a 4-day work week? ›

Many workers say they would love a shorter work week. A full 77% of US workers said a four-day, 40-hour workweek would have a positive impact on their wellbeing, according to a Gallup poll released in November. That includes 46% who said it would have an “extremely positive” effect.

What is the problem with a four-day work week? ›

One of the most common disadvantages of a 4-day work week is balancing shifts. If you're a Monday to Friday business, staying that way gets a bit more complicated. Depending on your workplace, certain days of the week might be more hotly contested than others.

Is working 4 days a week good? ›

Pros of a 4-day work week can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced productivity, and added stress.

Can I ask my employer for a 4-day work week? ›

Only some businesses can switch to a four-day workweek. Before suggesting changes to a manager, make sure the change is ideal for the company and will not be detrimental. Reducing working hours may increase productivity, but companies with high workloads may run out of time.

What are the arguments for a 4 day week? ›

A four-day working week could increase your employees' health and well-being. An extra day of rest could help reduce employee burnout and provide additional time for physical exercise. Employees are less likely to take sick leave caused by stress and illness by having more time to rest.

Are people happier with the 4-day work week? ›

Employees' physical and mental health improves when organizations embrace a shorter workweek. Research shows people are less stressed, value their jobs more, and have better lives outside of work. Job satisfaction and employee engagement increase.

Do Americans want a four-day work week? ›

The one-sided results showed 8 in 10 full-time workers want a four-day workweek instead of the usual five-day week. The top reasons workers cite for favoring a four-day workweek in the survey, as well as others, are it would improve work-life balance and physical and mental health.

Does a 4-day work week mean less pay? ›

What could a four-day work week mean for my paycheck? Here's the good news: If you're a salaried employee, a four-day work week would likely mean you get more time off while receiving the same pay. In other words, no change to your regular paycheck. If you're an hourly employee, here could be changes to overtime pay.

How many hours is a 4-day work week? ›

Variations. Most advocates for a four-day working week argue for a fixed work schedule, resulting in shorter weeks (e.g. four 8-hour workdays for a total of 32 hours). This follows the 100-80-100 model: 100% pay for 80% of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintain at least 100% productivity.

What is the best day to take off for a 4-day week? ›

Mondays and Fridays off might seem like the best thing about the four-day workweek, but it turns out neither is recommended by experts. Instead, Wednesdays are considered the best for reducing stress and minimizing burnout.

Is a 4-day week good or bad? ›

“In the 4-day week team, there was an increase in productivity of 10%. In the control group, there was an increase in productivity of only 1%, suggesting that the 4-day week team became more productive, and that it was due to the reduced hours (instead of just being 'observed').”

Why do 4-day work weeks feel longer? ›

Why does a shorter workweek after a day off often end up feeling longer than a normal week? While no psychology research has directly examined the phenomenon, some evidence suggests that it's because we humans are easily thrown by disruptions in our routines.

How to justify a four-day work week? ›

  1. Better work-life balance: Giving employees an extra personal day allows them to work on personal projects, hobbies, and spend more time with their families. ...
  2. Increased productivity: Surprisingly, a shorter workweek can lead to increased productivity.

Should companies move to a four-day work week? ›

A four-day workweek could be the antidote to employee burnout. The results from a six-month trial involving thousands of employees suggest that working only four days instead of five reduces employee burnout while boosting productivity, retention and team morale.

How do you tell your boss you want to work 4 days a week? ›

Build Your Case, and Lead With Facts

For example, mention the impact working a four-day week can have on employee retention, productivity rates, cost reduction, and worker engagement. And don't be vague. Back your case up with hard evidence from previous success stories.

Are 4-day work week still 40 hours? ›

Originally, the 4-day workweek was designed to be an overall reduction in hours — from the standard 40 hours down to 32 hours per week — but some employers have opted for variations, where employees work on a compressed work schedule that distributes the standard 40 working hours across four days instead of five.

Does a four-day work week reduce stress? ›

The 4 day week is, without a doubt, a powerful opportunity to improve the health and well-being of your employees. Have a look at this data reported by 4 day week pilot program participants: Two thirds of employees reported less burnout. 33% reported decrease in work-related stress.

Why may a four-day work week not be suitable for the healthcare sector? ›

As far as implementing a four-day workweek across an organization, health system leaders agree that may not be appropriate. Mr. Till said this is because doing so may create equity issues or availability issues "where we wouldn't be able to support our communities when really needed.

What is the best day to take off for a 4-day work week? ›

Mondays and Fridays off might seem like the best thing about the four-day workweek, but it turns out neither is recommended by experts. Instead, Wednesdays are considered the best for reducing stress and minimizing burnout.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.